Flatten your (virtual) opponent, sharpen your mind
Conquering your adversary in a complex computer game, joining a discussion club, learning a new language, and engaging in social give-and-take with other people can all help keep your brain sharp, studies suggest.
Enjoy safer sex
Older adults are having sex more often and enjoying it more, research finds. Unfortunately, older people are also being diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases. To protect yourself, use a condom and a lubricant every time you have sex until you are in a monogamous relationship with someone whose sexual history you know.
Get your medications checked
When you visit your healthcare professional, bring all of the prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbs and supplements you take. You can also bring a complete list that notes the names of each, the doses you take, why you take them, and how often you take them. Ask your healthcare provider to review everything you brought or put on your list. Your provider should make sure they’re safe for you to take, and that they don’t interact in harmful ways. The older you are, and the more medicines you take, the more likely you are to experience medication side effects, even from drugs bought over-the-counter.
Speak up when you feel down or anxious
Roughly 1 in 5 older adults suffers from depression or anxiety. Lingering sadness, tiredness, loss of appetite or pleasure from things you once enjoyed, difficultly sleeping, worry, irritability, and wanting to be alone much of the time can all be signs that you need help. Tell your healthcare professional right away. There are many good treatments for these problems.
Activities and Hobbies are essential to a longer life